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Author Interview - Jennifer Daniels

I am pleased to have Author Jennifer Daniels as my guest this week on Author Interviews.

Jennifer has published six books. Her newest, Sea No Moor (The Loch Series) was released on June 26.

I hope you enjoy reading a little about Jennifer's writing and personal life.

Thank you, Jennifer, for participating in my interview.

About Writing/Books/Being an Author

1. Do you remember the first book you read that had an impact on you - in what way and what was the name of that book?

It was Harry Potter. Because it got me reading, and I have been reading constantly ever since.

2. When did you first realize you wanted to write?

I didn't. It happened by accident. My son wanted to write a book and once I started helping him, I thought I would give it a try.

3. Who is/are your favourite author(s)?

Kishan Paul, Valerie Twombly, T.M. Cromer, Katerina Martinez and Grace Augustine.

4. What is your favourite thing about writing? What is your least favourite thing about writing?

My favorite thing is going to a place that is full of fantasy. My least favorite thing about writing are edits…. lol

5. Where do your ideas come from?

They just kind of come to me. No rhyme or reason.

6. I’ve often found that creative people have more than one talent, what is yours?

I don't think it's talent but I like to craft.

7. If you could jump inside a book for one day (as an observer) what book would it be?

Probably anything paranormal. I'm stuck on T.M Cromer's series the Thorne Witches so maybe in one of those books.

8. When you create characters, are they completely made up or do they resemble or remind you of people you know?

Many of my characters have personality traits of people I know, mostly family members.

9. Have you ever created a character “out of thin air” only to run into someone in real life that reminds you of that character either in personality or their features?

No, not yet.

10. How do you come up with titles for your books?

Opalla, I just made it up. Sea No Moor was actually my husband's idea. But it depends on what the book is about.

11. What are you working on now and can you tell us about it?

I'm working on the fourth book in the Opalla Series called Poppy's Projection.

12. Have you won any awards for your writing/books and if so what?

I won The Best Cover Award voted on by the fans in a group contest for Opalla.

A Little More Personal

13. What is one thing you haven’t done but would like to do?

Be a USA today's best-selling author.

14. Can you tell us about an embarrassing/funny moment?

If you read any of my books they are in there….lol

15. Have you ever experienced something weird you could not explain?

I'm a nurse and worked at a very small hospital. Sometimes things would happen on 3-11 or 11-7 shifts that were freaky. Doors shutting on their own, strange feelings, and it usually happened right before or after a death.

16. Are you superstitious? Do you have any rituals for good luck?

To a degree I am, but I have no rituals for good luck.

17. What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

I'm an extremely fussy eater so I don't do strange.

18. Do you have a favourite vacation spot? Where?

My family live in Upstate NY and we love to go camping in local camping spots.

19. Can you tell us about one of your favourite childhood memories?

I lived on a block and a group of us kids all hung out together. We always had a good time.

20. What makes you happy?

My husband and my son—family.

21. If you aren’t writing (or doing anything associated with writing), what are you doing?

In the summer my family lives on the lake so swimming. I love to read and go fishing. We also enjoy going to the drive-in movies.

22. Have you ever met anyone famous – who?


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