Guest Blog Post by Author Terri Lenee Peake

I would like to introduce this month's guest blogger, FBP Author, Terri Lenee Peake. Terri is the author of her real life story 6200 Carbon Canyon Road. Her story brings an important message and a tale of caution to young people about the Hollywood experience.
Welcome, Terri, and thank you for being my guest.
Hi everyone! I am Terri Lenee Peake 1987 Oct Penthouse Centerfold/Model, Actress and Radio Personality! I went from Centerfold to Material Witness in the murder of my former Fiancé, Horace McKenna better known as Big Mac.
I wrote my book titled,6200 Carbon Canyon Road - My life as a Penthouse Pet as a way to not only honor his life, but to caution young people about the risks of the Hollywood experience. I wanted to also share how a girl next door ends up in a life with a Gangster.
Being from San Diego I had a tough childhood, I grew up with a mentally ill mother who I took care of since the age of 5. And my only escape was school and performing in theatre. I could only dream one day to be out of the ghetto that was my life in East San Diego. Going from foster home to foster home, I knew one day I was going to Hollywood and pursue my dreams of being in the movies singing and dancing. I made it!

I was just 19 when I arrived in L.A. working as a waitress at first I was able to secure some modeling jobs. I met a News Anchor and lived next door to Vince Neil of Motely Crue and before long, hanging out at the Playboy Mansion. Things were going well until worlds collided and I was between a Compton Sargent, a newscaster and a gangster! My life was about to take a big turn not all bad. My career took off, but so did the danger. I chose the gangster. We lived at 6200 Carbon Canyon Road.
My book is a walk thru the life I once had. The tiger named Sheba, our black panther I called Sinbad and then the violence that was inevitable. I kept my story 100 % authentic and can be embarrassing to me at times, but I felt it was worth it to help save someone else from making the choices I made. You see not all dangers are obvious ones. I recall celebrity stories, some good, some really bad. It's not always the street people you have to look out for. It's the celebrities and the old casting couch as well.

The other main reasons I wrote my story is to caution women on the dangers of breast implants. All breast implants. I have been sick for my daughter's whole life. I had saline implants due to large breasts that had some sagging, Penthouse advanced me the money to have them done. I never felt I needed them btw, but to be a Centerfold - I went along with the program. It took me 9 years to figure out why and what had caused me to suffer at the age of 35. Having them removed and not replaced was the hardest thing to do for me and a lot of others. Because they still looked good. I was able to get help through support groups get the word out about the 14 chemicals that are the ingredients that make up the shells, 9 are known carcinogens. And after removals discovered they are also full of mold and bacteria and heavy metals. They now have to inform women that they can cause Fibromyalgia and a whole list of other illnesses and that if you are sick you can and should have them removed. They don't last a lifetime, they are like tires.

My book is my message to women and men of all ages that no matter what you go through in life you can survive. God loves you and don't sell yourself short. He has blessed us all with gifts to use for good and he loves us, we must also love ourselves as well!
God Bless
Terri Lenee Peake